Thursday, March 8, 2012


Welcome back everyone I hope you are totally psyched about getting started in your new business! As you may recall you were supposed to come up with a list of things you love to do but could actually make money doing it. Hopefully you have narrowed it down to your top five and eventually to your top two.

Now I know what you are thinking, what do I do now? Well my friends fear not it is now time to start thinking about writing a business plan. By the way this is where a lot of people get bogged down and actually don’t write their business plan and sometimes because of their excitement dive right into starting their business.

I do not want to kill the dream or defer your passion it is just that you have to channel that passion into a plan. Have you ever heard of something becoming truly successful without a plan? Yes, I know there are some obvious examples but these examples are the exception not the rule. So it is business plan time for you my friend. From experience I can tell you writing a business plan is an extremely involved process that does require a lot of research and if I may I can get you onto an expedited version that could get you started sooner.

The expedited version is called the marketing plan. So why would I suggest the marketing plan as an alternative? Well for one thing the marketing plan is important because it sets the road map on how you are going to bring customers into your business that leads to revenue that leads to profits. Oh yeah, profits the bottom line that can really get the blood pumping and the passion flowing!! Of course you cannot just dive in and start writing your marketing plan you do have to know what is in it and what each part of the marketing plan means.

Your first step into defining the marketing plan is to get an outline and the simplest marketing plan outline is on download the outline and come back next week as we go through each part and what they mean and we can get you on your way to getting this business off the ground. That is it for today but keep the passion flowing and I will see you next week!

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