Friday, November 5, 2010





Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Election day is upon us and most polls have already closed. Now I don't know about you but I am a politics junky and each election cycle is always exciting. There is always a story that dominates and here is the one that has resonated with me...
Jobs, all I have heard from people is that there are no jobs and I guess that the government was supposed to produce 17 million jobs in a year and a half. Are yo kidding me!! It is not the government that does this it is the private sector that does this. It does not matter whether taxes are going to be cut or increased, it does not matter if the Federal Reserve goes forward with thier Quantitative Easing, it does not matter if it is Democrats or Republicans occupying seats of power in this country. What does matter is you.
You are the master of your fate, if you are unemployed what have you been doing to turn that around? Have you gone back to school to retool your life, have you done a self-assessment, have you started your own business? If the answer to all of these questions are no then you have not done anything to get you back into the workforce. Don't blame the party in Congress or those in the White House, you need to blame yourself!!
I know this stings but let's call it what it is, America you are fat, dumb, and unhappy!! This phrase used to be fat, dumb, and happy but things have changed! It is now time to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you have done to contribute to your dire situation, how many loans did you take out, how many credit cards do you have, how many times did you spend more than you have? Yes, I know stop treading on me that is what you are thinking it is time to get your a_ _ in gear America that is where the real fault lies and now it is time to take responsibility!
Well, that felt good, sometimes you just have to vent. All kidding aside it is time to remake yourself and you will be surprised how fast you situation will change for the better. I also have a secret, shhhh don't tell anyone but being an entrepreneur is the best way to protect you from the next recession of the century and by the way make sure that money your business earns also puts that money to work!!