Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Middle Class In Transition

I read an article here recently that was a bit uneasy abou the shrinking of the middle class. As a lot of you out there that are unemployed right now can attest to this personally. I will go on record and say that the middle class as we know it today is actually obsolete. This is the reason why: globalization has changed the way jobs or I would call them micro-businesses are created in the world today. As businesses, and I mean the big ones try to compete globally and as long as there is a difference in economies there will be a differences in wages across the globe as well. It is no secret that we here in the U.S. have had it really good in the past 50 to 60 years. Some of us are still doing well and will do even better in the future because the way to do business today is to become an entrepreneur. Have you noticed that when Forbes Magazine or Fortune come out with thier top billionaires list that you find the majority of them are outside the U.S. and Europe? The reason for this is that the entrepreneurial spirit has really taken hold in the developing world and I for one am ecstatic about this. Why? Because these new entrepreneurs are going to provide the best products and services at the best possible price for all of us as consumers. Pure competition is what drives the market and it is this competition that provides innovation at a great price. Is this what we all want? You can beleive it, take for instance the pressures in energy. The fossil fuel economy is a dying economy. Energy companies that provide fossil fuel as it is today cannot keep up with the demand and consumers will not be able to pay the rising price. this dichotomy cannot continue so what will happen naturally is this market will disappear and oil producing countries and the companies that produce this product know it. Also keep in mind the pressure on all our resources demand that we come up with an alternate way of consuming in order to sustain ourselves and our children's children. The middle class in this country are at a crossroad right now either continue the present road where you will continue to lose jobs, or you can turn those jobs into micro-businesses. We all win if you are able to pull this off. In fact some fortune 500 companies are looking for their employees to offer a better way for them to do business at a much lower cost. You win becuase you now have a small thriving business and now they win becuase they cut cost off their bottom line and they can truly compete in the marketplace. The middle class in my opinion is not under assault it is just in transition and if I know the American people they will figure this out and still thrive not just survive.

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