Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Promise of 2011

The past 2 years have been tough to say the least. We have heard stories of financial collapse, an education system under duress, housing collapse and now a student loan bubble. Rather than focus on the negative of what has been let us focus on the promise of 2011.

the year 2011 brings to us the promise of a continued expanding economy and for all Americans reduced taxes courtesy of the President and the Republican Congress. this legislation more than anything else holds the true promise of an expanding economy and new jobs for those that are unemployed. Also with this expanding economy there is a promise for new industry, new products, new businesses. those of you that are unemployed should be thinking about taking your future into your own hands. There is no better time then now and 2011.

The year 2011 will also bring to the end of that haneous policy called Don't Ask, Dont Tell in the U.S. military. The end of this policy will not only strengthen our military it will also strengthen our nation. I truly see this as a major shift in the nation wheras we will soon be a house of equality no matter race, creed, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

The year 2011 is the year when we will consider who is going to be our next Commander in Chief and it is my hope that President Obama will be re-elected. Yes his presidency has seen the deepest recession since the Great Depression but the economy is growing and I have to tell you that his Presidency has gotten more done in 2 years than both Clinton and Bush did in 16 years. Go ahead and check the record for yourself.

2011 is going to be a fun and optimistic year and I and my family are going to ride the wave. Now it is time for all of us to set our New Years resolutions and mine is to double my income, nea... triple my income. What is yours going to be? Happy New Year!!

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