Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Going Forward not Back to the Cotton Fields

My wonderful wife came across a horendous story that just sent chills up my spine. It was a story about a city council meeting somewhere here in the great state of Georgia. The crux of the story is that there is a black or African American city councilman complaining about being disrespected by the majority white or caucasian city council members. What happended is that the black city council member said that he is not going into the cotton fields and if you are familiar with African American history this does have a negative context to it. The white city council member that he is debating with replies that he should be in the cotton fileds. I am adding the link for you to see and you judge for yourself.

All I know is that this country needs to move forward and not backwards and for those of you who believe that racism is behind us you better think again and this topic absolutely has to be a part of the national discussion. This is the only way to get it out of our system.

Oh by the way get out there and vote!!! our life just might depend on it. Here is the link.

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