Monday, August 8, 2011


I did watch a little of your speech just a few minutes ago and I do have to say it was not your best by far. I do understand that you are under enormous pressure and the vitriol of Washington has taken a toll on what I would call your inspirational appeal. However, it is more than inspiration that we need to get the country out of this economic and financial mess.
I am not going to blame you or anyone else for the downgrade of our credit rating or any of the other problems associated with the economy, lack of jobs, or our spiraling debt. What I am going to do is offer solutions to the problems at hand and exactly how you should talk about it. Now what I am about to tell you may not get you re-elected but it will clear your conscience. Are you ready? Here we go.
I would first of all get out of the blaming business this does not do anyone good and this forces all of your rivals into their respective corners so don’t do it. What you need to do is offer the hand of compromise and friendship to all that would accept. I would try to put together a grand summit that will include, Business leaders, Religious leaders, Political leaders at all levels, congressmen, governors, mayors all of them to hammer out solutions to these problems that affect us all. What you need to do to get them altogether is to have them sign a pledge that they will work together with you as Americans not Republicans or Democrats but as Americans to solve our problems. Have the summit open to the public, put live feeds on all the social media channels and encourage input from all Americans to solve all our issues. Contact Twitter like you did before to encourage this kind of debate.
My next point is for you specifically, own up and take responsibility for the mess. I know that you have done all you can to get us out of the deepest recession in history but guess what you are only one man and only one cog in a global system. Take your responsibility and then ask for help it is OK to do this the world has changed and the U.S. Is part of a whole; the economy is global and the whole thing is systemically sick nothing you can do about that all by yourself.
My last point is for the American people, the American people have not done their part to fix things they too are blaming everyone but themselves as we too have contributed to our economic woes by taking, taking, and taking some more. Reach out to them in the way that I know you can, you have done it before tell us the truth and offer solutions in a sense that we must all take ownership. We the American people have had it so easy for so long that perhaps we really do not know what it means to sacrifice anymore. I would hearken back to FDR when he approached the auto companies to tell them that they need to produce tanks, planes, and ships for the war effort. Of course they agreed to do this but they asked FDR, “but when are gong to have time to build cars Mr. President”? President Roosevelt’s response was, “you won’t have time”!!! This is the kind of leadership we need right now and quite frankly Mr. President I know you are better than this. Step up and lead and I have given you the blueprint for doing so. If it does not go your way then guess what your conscience is clear. You are my President and I support you and I am willing to sacrifice for the good of the country and for the good of the human race.
By the way we are all on the hook right now and we humans have to collectively get out of it. Will you lead the way sir?

Very truly yours

Dr. Duane C. Scott

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Scott,

    You have made some very good interesting points in your blog and I think these solutions would make a difference. I think this President, whom I have had the privileage to shake his hand at a rally in Charlotte back in 2008, has tried to compromise with these people in Washington. I truly feel that his message of Hope and Change was heart felt with the right intentions, but once the campaigning was over, the governing started and I believe reality had sit in. From the first day in office, this man has been up against the greatest power in this country, power and greed. We've had radio talking heads wishing that any of his policies would "fail", a leader in congress stating that their number one goal was to make this man a one term President, a member of congress calling him a "Liar" on national television. Other members of the opposition block and slow down most of his nominations. Everytime this President has extended his hand out in compromise, the opposition has repeatedly slapped this man in the face. I think many republicans have good ideas for this country, how you ask? The Health Care Law is a republican idea, its so demised by republicans because a Democrat got it passed and signed into law at the national level. I blame this President for one thing and that is not controlling the arguement and explaining more in detail to the American people how it was going to make a difference in their lives. He allowed the opposition to hark on the now debunked notions that the government was going to pull the plug on grandma, or there was going to be death panels if this got passed. None of this was true, but the Democrats and this President didn't win the message wars, and they paid for it in the mid term elections. The so called tea party elected 80 new freshmen in congress whose sole mission is to "shut this government down".
    Their influence may have raised the issue of cutting government spending, but the real issue is JOBS! Since this new Republican controlled House have taken shape, not ONE piece of legislation has come out of that body of congress to propose a JOBS plan. Their only concern is to cut spending and not raise any taxes. By the way, when they say not raise taxes, whose taxes are they talking about? Not my taxes, but those "job creators" and the people who are hurting, the middle class and poor are the ones having to take the body blows this bickering have resulted from. And gets me is that those with the Power and Greed are the ones pulling the strings. How can some elected official whose sworn oath was to the Constitution of the United States will sign a pledge to never raise taxes in any form? How can you do this and compromise? Answer, You can't and you never intended to. That is what this President needs to understand and bypass these people. The only way is that people like you and I need to ensure we continue to support him and people willing to work with him regardless of party affliations.
