The jobs report past Friday was dismal to say the least and now everyone wants to jump down the throat of the President of the United States. I hat to be a bearer of bad news everyone and perhaps this is what needs to be said to the American eople to help them put things in perspective. One, need I remind all of you that it was the American consumer along with Wall Street tat got us into this mess in the first place. How many of you bought homes that you could not afford? How many of you took out secnd and third mortgages on thse homes to go out on frivilous spending sprees? How many of you paid off your 6,7, and 8 credit cards with a second and third credit card only to run them up again? Before you start throwing stones at the easiest target out there (The President) you need to look in the mirror first!!! My second point is this it is the President that is going to hire you business and industry is responsible for that and besides in a economic climate such as this I would not hire anyone either!! It is going to take every soul in this country to get us out of this mess. Consumers will have to reduce their debt loads, invest more and start your own business. The key to growth is entrepreneurship, not only our country's growth but your personal growth. The onus is not on the President to get you the stability that you need that responsibility resides with you and you alone. I have 7 streams of income coming into my household, that is right 7 and I am going to covet those streams with my life because the economy dictates that I do that it is about time the American people understand that.
I just wished our politicians had the courage to tell you the truth as I had right now.
Christopher & Scott LLC
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