I just recently read an article on Yahoo Business and the article highlights the pessimism of white working class America. If you are not sure who classifies in this all important demographic; they are white, middle class usually middle middle class to lower middle class workers. They make anywhere between 40K to 80K a year or less. The key variable for this group is that they have never went or finished college and they are also usually male.
As I read the article there was a comparison to those of African and Hispanic Americans and their attitudes towards their prospects as well; these two groups were generally upbeat in terms of their economic prospects. There are reasons for this optimism; an increasingly diverse country with access to immigrant populations from Central and South America as well as the islands and Africa have given these groups greater opportunity in jobs and especially entrepreneurship opportunites. Another reason is that these two groups are growing in population and by 2050 or sooner these ethnic groups combined would out number whites as the dominant majority in the U.S.
Now that we have the facts out of the way let's really explore the rub for white working class America. The rub is globalization but this trend was inevitable and it is now time to learn how to operate within our new and robust global economy. I have read some of the comments after this compelling article and what I read was a lot of complaints for thier plight but there were no solutions added to improve their situation and because there were none I will offer up some solutions for you right now. One, have you wondered working class America why you lost you job in the first place? It is because that business that you worked for has to compete in a global marketplace right now. Both large and small businesses are feeling the pinch of competition everywhere and quite frankly this is a wonderful thing. Because of this increased competition we will be able to always buy better, more innovative products and services at a really competitive price. Two, becuase of this competition these businesses have to become leaner and meaner and as a result of this they are going to go where the labor force is highly motivated, educated, and will work for less. You should actually be thankful that American businesses are still here hiring American workers! This what I mean by that last statement. Did you know that it is not usually the pay that businesses here are concerned with it is the benefits and overhead that kills them and makes them less competitive. Did you know that when a business here outsources some of their activities it is becuase a small business owner could do that activitiy for half of what that business can do it for. Also these activities are not always ousourced overseas, they are outsourced to small American businesses here at home.
If there is one thing I know about this country it was built on the blood, sweat and tears of the entrepreneur. What is happening is that this model has been our greatest export and now all of the world is practicing this greatest of all economic philosophies. If you want to survive in today's marketplace it dictates that you should become an entrepreneur. The model of getting a job and working at the same place and getting the gold watch for retirement is long gone and has been dead for over 30 years. The problem is working class America is stuck in the time warp of this long gone era. If you want to survive working class America you have to start your own business and you already have to skills to do so. This is what America is all about and this is what made America great. You just have been in this employee stupor so long that you have forgotten all about it.
There is one comment that really struck me at the end of the article it was from an I.T. professional and he was complaining about being over qualified for a lot of I.T. positions becuase of all the certifications that he had gotten in his field. he was going on and on about his qualifications but said nothing about starting an I.T. consulting business. Hello!! My friend you are all ready to go and you have all the tools necessary at your disposal to market your business with social media marketing! The reason why I bring this up and the reason why this article angered me so is that most Americans from this group don't even know what is at their disposal to become all they can become and they will never need to worry about being laid off, downsized, or outsourced. You are the master of your own domain now and you can go as far as you want to by owning your own business.
I will wrap it up this way and this is going to ruffle some feathers I am sure. Being successful with just a High School education is just not going to cut it anymore. you will need some college education and I suggest you get it in Entrepreneurship. Those groups that I was telling you about that is optomistic are getting a college education and they are starting their own businesses. they are the ones getting those businesses to cut cost by outsourcing those operations to them and making a fortune doing so while you are on the sidelines compalining about the way things are and wishing for the days of yore. THEY ARE NOT COMING BACK!!
The legacies that you wished you still had has become irrelevant becuase we are all part of a global economy that are filled with well educated, highly motivated, and will do anything to get ahead people of color. This is today and will also be tomorrow and if you want to compete you will have to come up with a new way of doing business which by the way was the old way of doing business and that is to become an entrepreneur! Trust me you will still be relevant if you practice this philosophy.
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