Now I know why our country is headed in the wrong direction. The Today Show just aired a story about a basketball coach that was pregnant and was coaching her team in the playoffs when it was time for her baby to come, contractions, water broke the usual stuff related with delivering a baby. Of course the coach goes to deliver her baby which is normal and we should always celebrate the birth of any child they are all precious and should all get the utmost care.
However, the story takes a terrible turn, this coach decides that it is more important to coach than to bond with her newborn. What is truly appalling is that the announcers shower praise on the coach with terms like true grit and amazing!! This is not amazing this is not an act to be celebrated this is child abuse in its true form. All OB GYN's will tell you that the bond between mother and newborn is critical in the first 24 to 48 hours and this mother denied her child the right to bond with her mother. What kind of woman does this? We usually reserve terms like child abuser or your a bad mother for women like this, instead in this case we want to say to her that she has true grit?
When I woke up this morning this story was on and I thought I was having a bad dream. There are so many women out there that cannot have children. they would jump at the chance to be in this woman's shoes just the act of having a child and caring for it and nurturing it in its first 24 to 48 hours. instead this coach decided that trying to win a championship is more important than nurturing her child. This is the most selfish act I have ever seen and this is why we as a country are headed down the tubes. We celebrate selfishness, this is wrong and if I were a parent of a daughter on this woman's team I would immediately pull my child off the team. think about the message that this woman sends to all young women out there. Be you girl, celebrate you, be selfish. This was the worst story that the Today Show ever aired and as a result of that I will not watch ever again. They should be ashamed of themselves for airing it.
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