We've all heard of the comments made by General Stanley McChrystal and his staff in a Rolling Stone article by now and what President Obama should or should not do about those comments. I was watching Kieth Olberman's Countdown show last night on MSNBC and although Mr. Olberman's comments had great merit I believe that he is truly missing the point in this whole debate of whether or not General McChrystal should be let go or not.
The point is simply this; Loyalty. The United States Armed Forces should and must be loyal to the civilian leadership and this civilian leadership starts with the President of the United States. General McChrystal and his staff displayed poor judgement with these comments and they were disloyal. Soldiers, sailors and airmen follow orders and are supposed to display unwavering loyalty to the United States and thier Commander in Chief (The President) is the embodiment of this great country that they serve.
President Obama did the right thing in sacking McChrystal and should do the same with his staff and he should go even further to ensure the the military and the American people understand who is in charge of the country. In fact, I would go as far to say that the American people that oppose thier president should also be labeled as subversives and watched, I am just kidding but since when was it OK to oppose the President if you are in the military? Since when it was OK to stand up during a joint address to congress and call the President a liar during his address. I don't know about you but there is something in the air and it smells like racism. Let's just face it are we really not going to call this what it really is or are we going to dance around it again like we have been doing so for the past year and a half.
The fact is this there are whole segments of the citizenry that believe that they should not have to listen to or for that matter take orders from a black man. Yes that is exactly what I said but let's call a spade a spade, pardon the pun but do you smell it? I do and I live in the south where the smell is really strong peeeeyuuuoooo. I just like to call it like I see it. The fact is this President Obama needs to show who is really boss now and if there is one thing I know about my brethren in the military is that they respond to and respect strength and courage and it is now time for the President to display some both with the military and the American people.
Mr. President I voted for you for a number of reasons the reasons were strength, courage, pragmatism, intelligence and a host of others that you displayed on the campaign trail. It is now time to bring all of these qualities to bear in this turning point of your presidency. Be damned the chances for a re-election bid the problems that this country face right now are enormous so tackle them now and let the sacking of General McChrystal be your jumping off point to turning this counrty around for the better now.
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